Three Bar Quarter Horses
Blue Roan Quarter Horses - Stallions - Mares - Colts
of Rexburg, Idaho
of Rexburg, Idaho
Blue and Red Roan Quarter Horse Ranch Fillies for Sale 3 Three Bar Quarter Horses and Munns Ranch
     The Munns Family Welcomes You to
​            Three Bar Quarter Horses!!!

​​We would like to tell you a little about our family and introduce you to our horse program. We invite you to browse through the horses on our website and take a look at what we will offer in our Annual Production Sale. We are always exited to talk horses and share our enthusiasm with other horsemen around the nation.

Keith and Ruth started this whole thing over 50 years ago when they were married in 1962 and soon after purchased their first Quarter Horse mare. They have been involved in many aspects of the livestock industry, but the one consistent key element in their lives has been the horses. They bred Quarter Horses and black and white tobiano Paint Horses for a number of years. Through the years the program has phased the paints out and evolved to focus on the “older style”, foundation bred Quarter Horses. Many of our mares carry Driftwood and Hancock bloodlines, as well as High Rolling Roany and Blue Valentine. Color has never been a priority to us, but as we have chosen stallions that have the qualities we are wanting to replicate, we find ourselves knee deep in roan horses! We have a set of black mares that are all daughters of Blackwood Twice x Drifts Chip. Those black mares have crossed well with our blue roan Hancock bred stallions to produce true blue roans with stunning black heads and legs. We have focused on maintaining a solid, sturdy foundation in the conformation of our horses. We want substantial bone and foot under one, deep girth, strong muscling, good heads, and adequate size. Along with eye appeal we also put an emphasis in an intelligent, responsive, willing disposition. Our colts are raised in the rocks and brush in plenty of open country to help them develop good instincts and sure footed abilities before their training ever begins. We feel that this gives us an edge in training a confident ranch horse that is enjoyable to ride both outside or in the arena.

Keith and Ruth have 2 children. A son Jeff, and a daughter Becky. Both of whom love the horse industry and have remained a part of the family business. Jeff and his son Kolton both enjoy team roping and are proud to be well mounted on ranch raised geldings. Last winter Kolt qualified to go to Vegas and rope for the ‘Big Money’ in the World Series roping there. It was a pretty cool opportunity for him, and I am sure he will be back for more. Jeff and Kolt work year around for Keith and Ruth. They take care of the farming, start a few colts, works with the babies, and take care of the basic day to day operations. Jeff also has two girls, Kassie and Katie. They both attended college in Twin Falls and have ended up settling there. Kassie married her high school sweet heart last year. This spring they welcomed a baby girl. Aspen Ky Rasmussen, joined the family with an adorable wild head full of hair and stole all of our hearts in about .3 seconds. Katie is currently working as a nurse in the ICU at St. Luke’s and manages to keep up to her part time job as “Aunt of the Year” for baby Aspen as well!

Becky has always had her father’s passion for the horses, and was fortunate to find a husband that shares in this love as well. She married Dan Miller in 2005. Like Keith and Ruth, they have built their lives around the horse industry and spend most of their time a horseback. They have 3 children who all ride with them as well. Breanna just graduated from HS and is onto the next chapter of life. She has signed to rodeo for Montana Western’s Kody Lahaye on a full ride scholarship. She finished off her HS Rodeo career strong, winning the Idaho State Girls All Around, as well as the State Reined Cow Horse Championship. She went on to finish 5th in the World at Rocksprings, WY this past July. It was very rewarding watching her meet some big goals, and do it riding several horses raised by the Munns Family that she has trained herself. We look forward to college rodeo and the new opportunities it will bring! Ty is 12 and has spent a good share of the summer with his dad on the Forest Allotment riding with him, and the rest of his time has been spent in a swather or baler with his Uncle Jeff. He is lucky to have an uncle and grandpa that can nurture his love for farming better than Dan and I. Charly is 8 now and the youngest Munns granddaughter. She finally has a horse that she doesn’t have to share, and it has been fun to watch her enthusiasm and work ethic grow with that ownership. She has advanced enough this year that she is now going to the local rodeos and jackpots with her sister and feels pretty entitled to get to tag along and compete too. She is going to be busy trying to keep up to her big sisters accomplishments!

Our Annual Production Sale is held the Saturday of Labor Day Weekend each year. This year it falls on August 31st, 2019 . The 2019 foal crop will be sold, as well as a few broodmares, and 20 head of nice saddle horses. These horses have had countless hours spent on them doing all basic ranch jobs, riding the forest allotment, and most have had at least a little time in the arena as well. We strive to prepare our young geldings in a way that they could go about any direction you choose to take them and have a solid foundation in place. We want our customers to buy with confidence and be able to find the right horse for them. We put a lot of effort into preparing videos, taking lots of pictures, and providing as much information as possible. Please help yourself to the online catalog and individual videos. If you have any further questions contact one of us. We are always happy to help and LOVE to “talk horses”!

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​our Stallions
Keith J. Munns
8279 S. 400 W.
Rexburg, ID 83440

c 208-351-3377
Becky Miller
​41 W. 8000 S.
Rexburg, ID 83440​

c 208-221-1090
For Questions Please Contact
Munns Ranch / Three Bar Quarter Horses Copyright 2017-2024
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Blue Roan Quarter Horse Foundation Stallions Home of Three Bar Quarter Horses and Keith Munns Ranch
Three Bar Quarter Horses
3 Bar Quarter Horses and Munns Ranch Rexburg Idaho
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Blue Valentine Hancock Quarter Horses Mares Horse for Sale 3 Three Bar Quarter Horses Home Page Rexburg Idaho
Annual ​Production ​Sale​
​August 31, 2024
Madison Fairgrounds
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